When we moved to Raleigh a new Gold's Gym opened up just 2 miles from where we lived. I started taking classes there and they were the first place that I was able to leave my boys and get any time to myself. At a certain point another mom pointed out that if I worked a few hours at the day care I could get my gym membership for free. So that began our time working at the day care. Then we moved out to Apex and our schedule just could not quite recover. We had to leave to go to work right in the middle of Bear's nap times. It took about 25 minutes to get there. Can't say those were good times :-) We started to leave early so they'd nap in the car ride over and we'd sit for an hour in the parking lot while they slept and I read. That was not fun once it started getting hot. Sometimes I could transfer Bear to the movie room to continue his nap.
Poor guy this one little girl tortured him with the drum over his head while he was trying to sleep. At a certain point I began to think that it might be worth it to just go back to paying for a membership. Just as I started to think about that I saw a commercial for Military One Source. They mentioned that we could get a free membership at the YMCA. We just had one open less than 2 miles away! We went and did a tour and fell in LOVE with it. I just loved the kids everywhere and it was so much more family oriented. They do activities with the kids and don't just put them in front of the tv- it was really a nice place. So I quit Gold's that night we've been at the Y ever since. The boys are funny- if I say we are going to the "gym" they think it's Gold's. I have to tell them we are going to the Y or they are not happy campers!
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