Monday, December 31, 2007

Why The Apartment Is Never Clean

Today I asked the question- WHY IS THE APARTMENT NEVER CLEAN??? So I paid attention to what was happening around me as I was busy cleaning. Here's what I noticed:

  • Coop throwing all the folded laundry that is on the couch on the floor with glee.
  • Bear tossing out little toy cubicles and joyfully clapping as the toys scatter across the living room floor.
  • Coop taking used spoons out of the dishwasher and putting them away in the clean utensil drawer.
  • Bear taking our Nalgene bottle straws out of the dishwasher and breaking them in half.
  • Cooper taking all of our shoes out of the closet and hiding them.
  • Bear opening the pots and pans cabinet and after beating on them for a while leaving them all around the apartment.
  • Coop taking play-doh and strewing it around the apartment. Little pieces of it are now just a part of the carpet.
  • Bear finding a contraband piece of chalk and marking up the fridge and deep freezer. Luckily I got to him before he found the walls.
  • BOTH: bringing out every single train from their room and leaving them ALL OVER the apartment.

I can assure you I do try and keep and the apartment clean but they are conspiring against me I just know it!!

A Few Milestones

Last month I had one of those moments where I realized the boys are growing up again. I wrote down all the things they were doing to show me what big boys they are becoming.

  • Bear is now going down the stairs by himself at the gym. We had that moment where he snatched his hand out of mine with that look of, "I can do it myself!" And he did!
  • Bear has now started the gibberish talk. You hear a car, train, mama, dada or an oh oh but the rest just comes flying out of his mouth.
  • It took us a month (and a box of ear plugs) but Bear is now night-weaned. We've had 2 nights of full sleep. You do realize that is the first time in three years I've slept the night through?!? This is huge news.
  • Coop is now trying to give up his afternoon naps. He goes one day and then the next two we have to recover. But he really wants to give them up.
  • Coop has become a parrot. He has learned, "Oh Crap and Oh Shoot!"
  • Coop's new game is to say, "Count with me 1, 3, 4, 5, 6....." He will go up to 14 and then he just starts saying whatever number he feels like. He almost always will not say the #2. Not really sure why.
  • Coop ate his first salad last month. Unfortunately I got excited and wrote it down but that was also his last salad. Couldn't repeat that little miracle but we at least had one time.
They are also now starting to play together. It's mostly teasing and stealing the other's train and running away but they will hug each other quite often and pat each others heads with such affection. I will never understand why it is we have 50 little trains but they will scream and holler over just one of them. Baffles me!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Cooper just yelled at Jim, "Come on Daddy!! Vamanose!"

I'm sorry but how cute is that!?! He also announces whenever he is going up or down anything. Up the stairs he says, "Arriba." Down a hill he is yelling, "Abajo!"for each step. No clue if I'm spelling it right, but I'm wondering if I should get something to teach him some real Spanish?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cumberland Cove Playground Adventure

This little playground adventure was more about the leaves. Cooper still will bring me little handfuls of leaves to throw over his head.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Foot Bath

Here are the boys helping Daddy soak his feet after one of his road marches. (That's right my husband now packs up his rucksack with about 40-50 pounds of weight and walks about 6 miles to get himself used to the Army road marches.) He keeps trying to convince me to go with him but every time he gets back he has to soak his feet so I tell him I need to stay back and get the water warm for him.

Monday, November 19, 2007

John's R&R

We missed the party but had a delicious (Yum yum yum yum yum delicioso!) Monihan Feast and got to spend some time together. Definitely a time to be thankful!

Welcome Olivia Mitchell!!

Olivia was born on Nov. 2!! Her mom, and my best friend ,Jamie had a pretty rough time after the c-section and I really needed to see my friend and make sure she was ok. She refused any pictures but it was so good to see her and get to spend some time with her. It kicked off our week of travel for Thanksgiving and to see John who is home for his R&R from Iraq. I finished up my last class and we drove the 6 hours to the upper most part of Maryland and crashed at a hotel (Coop glued to my back and Bear to my front). I couldn't wait for the sun to come up so I could sleep in the car! Sully found he liked the suitcase as his chariot. Jim forgot his wallet and cell phone at home and I told him not to worry about it as long as I had my wallet we were fine. I then promptly left my wallet at the hotel. We figured it out when we were trying to get some gas! Thankfully they saved it for me with all our cash in it. This leg of our trip was certainly an adventure!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Activity Table

Cooper likes to eat the play-doh and Bear eats the crayons. Anyone have ideas for other things they can do at their little activity table???

Friday, November 09, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Whenever Coop sees the camera he yells, "Cheese!" but closes his eyes until after the picture!!

Brotherly Love

I couldn't believe it when I saw Bear just go up to Coop and hug him with the most adoring smile and Coop turned around and patted his head and touched his face lovingly. Seriously how could I not cry when I watched that??

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nap Time

Monday, November 05, 2007

Do You See Apple?

Happy Birthday To Me

Everyone keeps asking how it feels to get older. I have to say that part doesn't bother me in the slightest. I just keep getting all these reminders to enjoy the moment because all I truly have is this moment, right now so I don't want to waste it with stressing out about getting older. Mostly I'm just really grateful. My dear friend Jamie was in the hospital this weekend and gave birth to her baby girl Olivia but had a major snafu with the c-section and ended up in emergency surgery where they had to remove her uterus and give her a blood transfusion. It was so wonderful to hear her voice this morning and to know she is on the other side of it. She sent me a party in a box so we will have a birthday party tonight thanks to her!! She is so sweet she's just had a baby and come through a life threatening surgery and she keeps calling me to make sure I'm ok today.

I miss my mom even more so today. She always made my day special even when I didn't want anything. She kept telling me about the movie Little Miss Sunshine so we watched it this weekend and I could almost hear her laughing with us at the end. I think she would appreciate me wearing one of the little tiaras that came in Jamie's party box. Bear and Coop keep eye balling me like they want my tiara!

Bear got Cooper's cough and fever this weekend and they both had us up at 4 am on Saturday and then with the time change we got all discombobulated. Bear went to sleep at 5:30 last night and Cooper was out at 7:30. So today we are adjusting nap times. Bear still has a slight fever so I didn't take them to the gym. Jim was good to me and we sort of spread out my birthday celebration. We had a splurge dinner last night and he let me open one of my presents last night. I'm finally with the now generation and have the cute little iPod shuffle. I was up figuring it out and getting a workout play list together. This morning we continued the tradition of blowing bubbles like GiGi loved to do.

After the bubbles we went for a walk around Lake Lynn. My new iPod came in handy since I couldn't go to the gym. They both fell asleep halfway around the lake and I was jamming to some Madonna and Gwen Stefani. I honestly had to resist the urge to dance but I did belt out a few, "I ain't no hollaback girls" along the way.

On the way to Lake Lynn I let them get out and chase the geese and Coop got to climb his first tree!

My favorite part about our walks-

They Say It's Your Birthday

Saturday, November 03, 2007

My Little Experiment

I've decided to test out a theory. Do you do things later in life just because that's they way you did it when you were little.? For example do you put on your shirt first and then your pants or your pants and then your shirt?

So I decided to start a little test now with the boys.....
With Cooper I put on both socks and then his shoes. With Bear I put on one sock, then a shoe, then the other sock, and then the other shoe. Jim thinks I'm silly but seriously I'm just curious how they will put on their socks and shoes later in on life.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I Did It

Bear's first sentance! This morning he was trying to climb off our bed and having a difficult time. He finally found the place where he could slide down onto a box and then slide off the box. He got to the bottom, threw his arms up in the air and yelled, "I did it!"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October Update 2007

October has been yet another busy busy month. I started school in August to become a Wellness Consultant. I have learned so incredibly much and I've been studying so much I can hardly believe it. I have dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep lately. I've wondered if I could have made better grades in college if I'd just been interested in what I was learning. Any spare moment I have I pull out the books. I've gotten 100 on both of my exams so I feel really good about it. I have 13 practice clients I'm working with now and it's helped me learn so much more. For the first time I'm really and truly excited to be doing something that follows my passion and I feel like I can really help others.

I feel so fortunate to have found my practitioner and teacher Wanda Boone. Through her we've made so much progress in the whole family. I don't do a lot of blogging about Cooper's health because most of what we do is not mainstream and it's hard enough learning ourselves and we end up having to explain or defend what we are doing. But if you look back at old pictures of Cooper you will see him all taped up and covered in a rash. Sometimes just looking at the pictures I can't believe how far we've come. I wish I had learned what I know now when I was pregnant with Cooper but I try hard to accept this was how it was supposed to be and as long as I do better when I know better I can be ok with it. He is a totally different kid now. He is 95% rash free and no longer is taped up. Those days seem like a distant memory. It's totally normal now for him to walk around in just a diaper.

We still have some work to do. He has a systemic Candida/yeast infection that is really hard to turn around. (So does 98% of America it just shows up in our family on our skin.) Candida/yeast is the only organism that will kill it's host so it's imperative you do it slowly and you turn the balance around. I push it from time to time and then he breaks out all over so I take a deep breath and know we are doing the right thing for him in the long run. It's really hard when things like Halloween come up and everyone tells me he will be eating all that stuff in pre-school that will cause him to break out. I just can't buy into that. Sugar will only feed his infection and make him sick. I'm trying hard not to live in the future and worry about it. But really if I hear about how I just have to give in for him to be accepted by his peers well I might scream. If he's considered different because he doesn't eat junk foods well then I guess he can hate me as a kid for it. His health is my responsibility and I won't give in on that. We've come too far to give in to mass marketing and peer pressure. I'd love to specialize in children's health in the future because I believe our kids are so much sicker than they need to be and we have control over it.

I also just started my certification course to become an Iridologist. The iris of the eye reveals structural defects, latent toxic settlements, inherent weaknesses, and the activity of the organs of the body. It's one of the most fascinating things I've ever studied. I have pictures of all these eyes up all over the walls and Jim comes home and shivers with all the eye balls looking at him. I'm getting set up with my gym to start doing some free readings for practice so I'm nervous but really excited. Just seeing my own eyes and knowing why I've always had issues in certain areas has helped me get motivated to work on my on health more! Next year I plan to get certified to do blood analysis on a dark field microscope so I can show clients what is happening in their blood as well. That part just cracks me up- my grandma used to tell me I needed to become a nurse and I just kept telling her needles scared me too much.

Jim has been more than busy at work. He has worked every weekend for the last two months and he's on tap to do the same in November it looks like. We miss him that is for sure. He has been so busy at work and then he comes home and still finds time to help me because I'm trying to study. The job that opened up in Charlotte was only opened for someone else that was already there so it seems as if our potential to move to Charlotte any time soon with this job is not so hot. We've been having discussions as to what is next. Jim talks a lot about going back into the military or doing some deployments. He has a strong passion for the military and to help others. It's hard for him to be around all these other military guys who've all got combat patches. Those who know me wouldn't recognize me when I say I'm just staying open to whatever happens. This last year has been one of the hardest I've ever had. I don't want anyone to live with any regrets and if that means Jim has to get deployed then so be it. We can make it through anything together so what will be will be. No matter what we need a bigger place. The boys need a yard and room to run.

Cooper is now bilingual. With me so busy studying I have definitely used the TV a lot more as a babysitter. They don't seem to mind but I love it because Cooper now uses all these Spanish words when I least expect it. On Monday coming out of the day care there were a big bunch of kids at the door waiting for the mom's to open it. Cooper busts through the group and starts banging on the door, "Abre, abre, abre!!!" (Open) We open it and he runs out into the gym and yells at the very top of his lungs, "We did it, we did it, we did it!!" I asked the other mom, "Can you tell he watches Dora? They do everything in three's I guess to get the kids to repeat it. Coop has this fun game of yelling, "Help me" when I put him in the car seat or when I put him in the crib. He sounds so pathetic like I'm killing him it's so funny. Yesterday he was yelling, "Aiudeme." I don't know how to spell it in Spanish but it's help! He has a little Dora, Swiper and Boot's play set. He walks around saying, "Do you see Swiper? If you see Swiper saaaaay Swiper." If we say Swiper he yells at us. In fact he still hates it when I sing- not sure if I can not let it hurt my feelings much longer :-) When he eats on his place matt there are all these different animals and things. He will say, "Do you see duckies? If you see duckies saaaay duckies." It's really very cute. He also throw in abajo (over) from time to time. Not sure why he says it but he likes to mix it up.

When Coop wants to watch tv our conversation goes like this.
Cooper- "Wonder Pets?
Me- "No honey not right now."
Cooper- "Dora?"
Me- "No we've had enough tv for a while let's play a game."
Cooper- "Go?" (That means Go Diego go.)
Me- "How about we do some coloring?"
Cooper- "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
Get him all calmed down. About 30 seconds of silence.....
Cooper- "Wonder Pets?"

These kids are so persistent it is truly amazing!

"Cooper do you want to take a nap?"
"NO!" big yawn. He doesn't like to go to sleep at all. He tries to distract us with reading him books. He will keep us up for as long as possible reading if he can. His favorite thing right now is to go through all of the picture book and name things. The funniest is when he sees anything with polka dots on it then he calls it a pizza.

Bear likes to walk around and find his reflection in things and wave. He has all sorts of words now. Bird, truck, train, car, circle, Momma. Oh yeah- he says momma all the time :-)

We also had a big switch over of clothes. Grandma Kathy and Bebba hooked the boys up with some fall/winter clothes and now they are styling and growing. Cooper is wearing 3T tops now and Bear is in 18 months clothes. We also did a little bit of organizing and packing of stuff. I figure if we start acting like we are moving then we will so I'm packing whenever I get the chance!

Now Cooper's new little phrase is to cup my face with his little hand and say, "Ohhh Mommy," and walk away. He's done it to Bear a few times as well. If Bear is sleeping Cooper will say, "Oh Bear I love you." Seriously I'm not sure how much more cuteness a mom can take!

Sleep Update

Our sleep issues have started to balance out for a the time being. Bear takes a nap pretty regularly now either in his high chair or on the couch. I'm only hijacked every once in a while now and when I am I just study while he naps on my lap. At night he goes down with Jim without nursing and there were a few nights he would wake me up pinching me so I wouldn't let him nurse. After 4 nights he stopped pinching me and we can get through most of the night without waking me up if he does nurse. I have this one book about Healthy Sleep and just read a few pages. It made reference to if you think kids are going to not have issues with going to sleep or being left alone then you are crazy. That helped me just with my perspective. I had this unrealistic expectation that Bear should just be ok to go to sleep without me when that is all he's ever known. He still hates to wake up alone but he just sits there and fusses and waits for us now.

When we went to a training convention in Atlanta omg I thought I was going to die. If we sleep in the same room Coop has to sleep in the same bed as me and Bear and he will roll on Bear if he's in between us. At one point Coop had me and Bear pushed all the way to the edge. In the middle of the night Bear fell out of the bed!! My cousin Haley was there watching the boys during the day and I could just hear her snicker! It took me two weeks to recover from that weekend!!

Bear's finally starting to get his chewing teeth in and then I'll feel good about him getting enough to eat without having to nurse. It's new territory for me. The kid is all about nursing!!

Bye-Bye Poppi

Today was a hard day. Poppi came over for his last visit before heading off to Snowshoe where he will be living now. We got really used to having him really close by and coming over for daily visits. He gave the boys one last "upside down boy" ride and let Bear steal his hat again. Then he headed off as Cooper said, "Bye by Poppi I love youuuuu!"

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Naked Cowboy

Ok these pictures just do not do this story justice. This is mom's cowboy hat. Chris has been bringing over things mom left for us and the latest was her cowboy hat. Cooper just loves it. He started picking it up and plopping it on then with one hand waving it over his head and at the top of his lungs yelling, "whooooooo hooooooo." We seriously have no idea where he learned it from. This morning when I got him out of his crib he was wet so I let him run around naked. He ran into our room grabbed the cowboy hat and started doing it again. I told Jim we had our very own Naked Cowboy!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Little Stinker

We've told him a zillion times not to climb on the table but he persisted until he made it!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Puddle Days

We finally got some much needed rain!!! There is this HUGE puddle at the gym now. A few days ago on the way home I let them play in it. I didn't have my camera but it was one of those moments where you know is burned in your memory forever. They jumped up and down, sprayed each other with their hands and then ran and ran and ran in this puddle. The grins on their faces were priceless. After over 30 minutes I guess they were just tired because they were each starting at opposite sides and I would yell, "Go!" and they would race to the other side. This time they just crashed into each other and fell backwards both soaking their heads in the puddle. So we came home soaking wet and got wrapped up in blankets and they both fell asleep totally exhausted as I rocked them in the recliner.

Fast forward to today. It's a bit colder than it was from just a few days ago. I had lots of errands to run so I promised them if they would pass up the gym puddle we would play with the puddles at home. We got home already soaked from all our errands and they had lost some of their excitement for puddles. This rain was much colder and they just couldn't muster up the same excitement. Bear just sort of stood in the puddle flinching when the big rain drops would hit his head. Coop got in the puddle a few times but then just stood on the outskirts of the puddle. You could tell he wanted to be part of it but he wasn't enjoying the cold water. After a few minutes I could just see Bear vibrating he was so cold. I kept calling him in but he wouldn't move he would just vibrate and smile. So I gathered them up and turned the heat on. It was so sweet- we climbed into the recliner all wrapped up in blankets and all three of us took a nap.

I love puddle days.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"Click, Take a Pic"

Coop has officially learned how to operate the camera. I have about 50 pictures of him taking pictures of himself. Every time he takes a picture he says, "Click, take a pic," or, "Cheeeeeese." He loves that part of Go Diego Go.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lake Lynn

Got the boys ready to go to they gym this morning and by the time we got to the car I changed my mind. It was so gorgeous out I thought it would be a perfect day to go for a walk around Lake Lynn. We hadn't done it in a while. As soon as we got to the first bridge the boys wanted out to run.
Mostly it was Cooper saying, "Come on Bear!" Trying to get him to come look at the ducks with him. Coop became fascinated with the ducks and was only happy if you would hold him on the railing so he could look down on the ducks. Really most of them are geese but he just keeps on calling them duckies. When I put him down on the ground he yells, "Bye bye duckies!!" Then grabs my hand again and begs to get back up.

Bear found watching the ducks ok, but this couple came walking up and I'll be damned if he didn't just grab the Grandpa's hand and start walking with the couple. We all laughed- they have 7 grandkids of their own. They walked with us for quite a ways. Then Bear got fussy and demanded the Grandma pick him up. (I had to take a picture.) The boys stopped on the last bridge and refused to stop yelling at the ducks so the couple moved on.

The walk back didn't have as happy a start as the beginning did. Cooper refused to get back in the stroller and Bear was tired so he began to scream, and scream, and scream. He typically loves to fall asleep in the stroller but not today. It was a little (ok a lot) embarrassing as we passed all these people who kept looking at him with such sympathy. I'm thinking um what about sympathy for me??? But we made it back from another Lake Lynn adventure. Cooper walked over a mile and Bear finally fell asleep. Hopefully we get some rain soon I've never seen it so dry.