Our sleep issues have started to balance out for a the time being. Bear takes a nap pretty regularly now either in his high chair or on the couch. I'm only hijacked every once in a while now and when I am I just study while he naps on my lap. At night he goes down with Jim without nursing and there were a few nights he would wake me up pinching me so I wouldn't let him nurse. After 4 nights he stopped pinching me and we can get through most of the night without waking me up if he does nurse. I have this one book about Healthy Sleep and just read a few pages. It made reference to if you think kids are going to not have issues with going to sleep or being left alone then you are crazy. That helped me just with my perspective. I had this unrealistic expectation that Bear should just be ok to go to sleep without me when that is all he's ever known. He still hates to wake up alone but he just sits there and fusses and waits for us now.
When we went to a training convention in Atlanta omg I thought I was going to die. If we sleep in the same room Coop has to sleep in the same bed as me and Bear and he will roll on Bear if he's in between us. At one point Coop had me and Bear pushed all the way to the edge. In the middle of the night Bear fell out of the bed!! My cousin Haley was there watching the boys during the day and I could just hear her snicker! It took me two weeks to recover from that weekend!!
Bear's finally starting to get his chewing teeth in and then I'll feel good about him getting enough to eat without having to nurse. It's new territory for me. The kid is all about nursing!!
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