The boys were following me around blowing bubbles and helping me push the wheelbarrow. I should have quit while I was ahead but figured hey lets get a few pine needles from the front. I just finished telling the boys to get out of the brush because I thought there was poison ivy when as I was raking I felt a sting on my leg. Then I felt one on my head. I took off running! I saw the boys out of the corner of my eye just watching me but then I felt the sting on my temple and heard the buzzing in my ear. The bugger was stuck in my hair! Let's just say panic ensued. I was flailing and screaming all the while continuing to get stung. I heard Cooper scream, "Momma!" and I tried to pull it together. I think I told them I was fine and then I felt the bee escape.
In the mean time my neighbor Carole from down the street heard my screams! She came up to make sure I was ok. I got it together even though I thought I was losing my vision- they were just blurry from the tears :-) I started taking my homeopathy right away and could feel the stings pulsing. I haven't been stung since high school and had no idea if I'd have an allergic reaction or not. About 10 minutes into our conversation I notice that Cooper has a huge welt on his arm. I ask him if Carole's puppy had licked him. No, he'd been stung too!!!! Not one whimper from that kid. I guess he was too worried (probably shocked) about me flailing around! I gave him his homeopathy and his welt disappeared within just a few minutes. Mine took well over 6 hours to stop throbbing and shockingly it still hurts! I did make it back over to see if it was just a random bee but there were about 20 swarming over a spot in the ground where their nest was. Guess we won't be playing over there much!
The good news is we aren't allergic to bee stings- my pride however might take a while to recover.
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