Monday, February 02, 2009


Everyone has been asking how the boys are doing. They have been doing very well. Daddy calls as often as he can and the boys have taken to saying, "Give me a big hug Daddy!" They will wrap their arms around the phone and then give it a big kiss. It's so adorable I need to get it on video.

They are getting into a routine and I feel like I've kept things as consistent as possible. They are doing a good job at helping clean up- well attempting to help! They are loving jumping on all the nice new pillows I bought. I couldn't even attempt to stop them they were having so much fun. They love to play hide and go seek under them.

They are both testing right now. They do an amazing job but man they are trying out saying, "No!" to me. Coop has told me a few times, "I'm very busy momma!" or "Not yet momma go to your room!" Bear is quick to scream and yell, and yell loudly, especially when Coop has hurt him. Coop seems to be in a bit more of an aggressive phase. I caught him trying to close the toy chest lid on top of Bear today and there was a lot of pushing between the two. I think we've all been a bit more cooped up in the house while I'm unpacking and organizing.

So I decided to bite the bullet and sign them up for pre-school this week. We spent a lot of time last week interviewing all the local centers and doing the tours and they will be starting on Wednesday! I know with a little bit of time to myself during the day I will be much more available to them and hopefully that will help this testing phase we are in.

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