Sunday, January 11, 2009


At 5:41 am I awoke to some horrible screaming on Bear's part. He wakes up from time to time lets out a scream and then goes back to sleep. These screams didn't stop so I went rushing in to find him with his arms up begging to get out of his crib. I try very hard to keep the morning snuggle sessions to after 7 am. If you've ever tried to sleep with these kids you'd understand why. But for some reason I said ok. Cooper popped up and said, "I go with you." I gave them the warning if they didn't go to sleep they would be going back to their own beds. I changed their diapers and as we snuggled in Cooper said, "Momma you miss Daddy?" I smiled and said, "Yes honey I miss Daddy." He was quiet for a minute and said, "Did you lose him?" I told him that, "No I hadn't lost him he was just at work for a while." He seemed to be ok with that and then they proceeded to kick and toss and turn and annoy me so they got booted back to their own beds. (I'm sure you can imagine how well that went over!)

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