Thursday, June 05, 2008

May 2008 Update

June is here!! I can’t believe how quick May zoomed in and out. We were busy in May so I didn’t get to post all the Monihan happenings. Jim had a lot of work events and I was pretty slammed with classes a mid-term and clients. I tried to keep the boys on schedule with going to the gym but they are not wanting to go lately. Coop will say no to going to the gym and say bye to it all the time if we pass it. But they go in screaming every day. It’s on the edge of embarrassing me and it takes a lot to embarrass me these days. Not sure what it’s about. It’s like they just don’t have as good as a time. They do have new staff so it could be that or maybe its new kids. Makes it harder for me to want to stay longer but that could just be my excuse!!

No big news on Jim’s career change. The big ol board met and he’s trying to get a physical done. He sat there watching ESPN for 8 hours today waiting to get a physical and then they sent him away for some glitch. (I have to admit I’m not looking forward to the bureaucracy.) HOWEVER Jim did say he would be fine if he never watched ESPN again so as far as I’m concerned it was a good day lol! We expect to hear in 2-4 weeks what the deal is so as we’ve been saying for what seems like forever we’ll let you know as soon as we know.

Bear turned 2 on May 27th! Where has the time gone??? Other than that life is pretty much potty training for Coop and weaning for Bear. The stubborn gene is alive and kicking in our house that’s for sure. But I guess it keeps things interesting. I was talking to Jamie the other day and said I wish I knew a psychic that would tell me if we were going to ever have a girl. A few hours later a client came over and asked me if I was going to have another kid. I vehemently shook my head no and said we were done. She said and I quote, “Oh I am sorry Abbie but I’m a little psychic and I see you with a girl.” GULP. I had an interesting conversation today with our grounds keeper and was reminded just how grateful I am for my children and their “health” issues. He was telling me that the only way I could help my children eat well in school was if they were in private school so we needed to start saving now. Am I naïve to think just because our children go to public school it means they will start eating everything but what we pack for them? I was hunting through pictures and was shocked to see some older pictures of Coop and all the tape he endured so he couldn’t get to his skin. It feels like that phase was just yesterday but in the same breath at times I forget what we endured. It reminded me of the many people who still think he just outgrew his allergies and eczema. Sometimes that frustrates me because it takes away from all the hard work we’ve done and from the hard work that is still to come. It’s hard to be so different sometimes. But that’s typically when I’m feeling sorry for myself and wanting a pat on the back.

Yesterday Cooper and Bear greeted every single person we came across. They literally stopped a group of kids from their trek to the playground to say hi to each one. Then as they left they said bye over and over until each one said goodbye back. Today Cooper helped an older gentleman down a flight of stairs it was simply delightful. Tonight is bath night and Jim has figured it out!! He’s made a clean up song and making the sudsing part fun instead of them freaking out over water going over the heads. Now Coop is running around the apartment with his frog towel saying, “where’s momma?” Looks like my blogging time is up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They can definitely go to public school. Children with peanut allergies, religious demands on diets, etc... do just fine. It will just take organization on your part to communicate with school staff and prepartion of their food. If you teach your kids to only eat what you have specified, they will be fine or they will learn the lesson (and be fine in the future.) Kindergarten kids know if they are not allowed to eat something. Trust that you will teach your kids well. Willpeopel question you? Probably. But who cares? I get tons of advice about Emily's not eating. She survived in preschool without ever eating snack (unless I brought goldfish.) There were 3-4 notes psoted about food allergies/issues in her classroom so all of the room parenst could bring appropriate snack. Peopel will deal if you give them the chance.