I have to admit when I was younger my sister and I would take hours to open a coconut. It took a hammer, huge nails and lots of newspaper to protect ground. We would bang on that thing for what seemed like forever to get some coconut. Well I seem to be hitting a coconut phase and have a new one every few days. Of course this fell on Jim who could open it much quicker and easier than I could.
I asked Jim to open the next coconut and he said he'd do it. Said coconut remained on the counter for many days. I reminded him and even threw in a few pleases. When we hit the two week mark I asked if he was ever going to get around to opening the dern thing and he said if it was on his honey do list then he'd get to it when he got to it. Bleerrg. So the next day wanting my coconut I went on youtube. Do you have any idea how cool youtube is???? (Yes I know I'm behind the times.) I watched 3 different people crack open a coconut easy peasy. I pulled out the hammer and had that bad boy opened cracked and peeled in under 5 minutes. I was pretty proud of my accomplishment.
Wouldn't you know Jim came home that night and asked me where the coconut was he wanted to open it?
Bleerg? Easy Peasy? Um, hello "30 Rock". Are you Liz Lemon phase, slightly neurotic and hopeless in everything she does?
In all fairness, my internal clock told me it had only been 5 days from when she first asked me to open that coconut to the day she opened it. Funny how time differs for men and women.
Slightly neurotic? Well maybe but in a good way. Hopeless- never!
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