Thursday, June 12, 2008

That's Not A Train Track

The good ol train track. We bought the dern thing because the boys love trains and have to carry one with them at all times. Nobody told us though we'd spend most of our time picking up trains all over the apartment or that we'd have to build a new track every 30 minutes because it's so much fun for them to pick the pieces off and throw them across the room. This is especially baffling because they've literally begged us for 20 minutes to build it so it is always surprising when they then destroy it!

Jim builds these nice elaborate tracks whereas I couldn't even do a circle for the longest time. Seriously I just didn't use any logic at first to think hey if you do this on one side use the same style on the other side. I just kept throwing the tracks down hoping they'd meet up. Well when I finally started using my brain about it I build a nice little track. I was pretty proud of myself. (See above example.) Jim said it was "cute" and while I took a client call he expanded it a bit so the boys could have some options. (See said expansion below.)
He just likes the oooohhhhhs and ahhhhhs I give with his cool train track creations. But all of this is just to tell the story of the next little train track I built. After them demolishing the big one that I'd put together I decided to go for a small tight circle and see what would become of it. When I finished and declared, "Taaaa Daaaa your new train track!" Cooper shook his head and said, "No Momma that's not a train track." (See below sniff...sniff.)

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