Jim builds these nice elaborate tracks whereas I couldn't even do a circle for the longest time. Seriously I just didn't use any logic at first to think hey if you do this on one side use the same style on the other side. I just kept throwing the tracks down hoping they'd meet up. Well when I finally started using my brain about it I build a nice little track. I was pretty proud of myself. (See above example.) Jim said it was "cute" and while I took a client call he expanded it a bit so the boys could have some options. (See said expansion below.)
He just likes the oooohhhhhs and ahhhhhs I give with his cool train track creations. But all of this is just to tell the story of the next little train track I built. After them demolishing the big one that I'd put together I decided to go for a small tight circle and see what would become of it. When I finished and declared, "Taaaa Daaaa your new train track!" Cooper shook his head and said, "No Momma that's not a train track." (See below sniff...sniff.)
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