So I could probably spend a few hours chronicling our sleep issues with Bear. I think I'll pass on my pity party and say we've gotten ourself in a huge pickle with this kid. He is one of the most (if not the most) stubborn child I've ever met. (Jamie says he gets it from me. If that's true we are in trouble!) I know it's our fault because we've obviously not sent the right boundaries. It's just so much harder than I ever imagined!
Our goal is simple we want him to sleep through the night- in his crib- without nursing. Do we ask for too much? He has lungs that never give up. I'm surprised the neighbors we have upstairs haven't complained about us or moved. Last week he was up every night for hours on end. I'm talking 3-4 hours non-stop wailing. We'd made so much progress previously. Out trip to Snowshoe just tilted the whole balance we had on end. He went from waking up at 5:30 to 4:30 to 3:30 to 2 and then to midnight. And if you didn't pick him up he just wouldn't stop. We pulled out the ear plugs even- nothing worked. We just don't do well on the whole sleep deprivation diet. Seriously I can see how sleep deprivation is a form of torture!
So we've had to compromise yet again and the last three nights he has slept through the night until 5:30 am and not going back to sleep. BUT this morning after 30 minutes he went back to sleep!!! He was up right at 7 though and he went right to the couch ready to nurse and SCREAMED holy heck when I got Coop out of bed. But then he nursed and was happy as a clam. Here's hoping we are onto something!
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