Jim sent me a picture when I was at the coffee shop on Sunday(I will spare you all here) of some lovely goop coming out of Cooper's right eye. He had a slightly elevated temp and was overall fine just bothered by the goop from time to time. (Cleaning it out provides some lovely drama.) He cuddled up on the couch last night and went to bed early. Today it's in the other eye as well so we are hoping it will run it's course quickly. It's a very odd sensation to be stuck in the house ALL day with the boys. We played tag, built some castles, played on the train set, colored and fought (many many times) over the water bottle and it was only 11 am- I'm EXHAUSTED :-) Do you think the daycare at the gym would notice Coop's swollen eyelids and goop coming out? I mean really they won't care will they?

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