Well I wish I could say that our lack of blogging over the last two weeks is because we were just so busy doing really fun things. Alas the goop, as I lovingly refer to it, got us all. Two weeks ago Coop came down with it in both of his eyes.

He really was a great trooper about it. He slept a lot and patiently let us pick at his goop. Wednesday night Jim got home and he had the goop.It started off small and then stuff just was oozing. He had to stay home from work from Thursday all the way until the following Wednesday! He was getting better and then his other eye decided it wanted to have some goop.

Friday Coop was cleared up completely so we went back to the gym and by the end of the day I was couch stricken with a horrible lung and sinus infection. (You know it's a good infection when you call the hubby in to look at the phlegm that you are vomiting up and he thinks it is cool!) On top of that I had a horrible headache that lasted for 4 days so I was no fun to be around. Then on Monday morning Bear looked up at me with his sweet teddy bear brown eyes and I saw the goop. Oh my goodness!! He got hit in both eyes as well but the goop was actually pretty minimal.

So we were all house bound
again and I admit to a little bit of stir craziness. Our apartment is small on any given day but with the four of us all at the same time for an extended period like that and the apartment felt even smaller. Bear started looking good around Wednesday his moved really fast and then I started feeling twitches. I literally prayed hard that if I was going to get the goop it come and go as fast as it could because I had a class on Saturday that I just could not miss. I'll spare you the details of all the stuff I did to make that happen (it will be on my health related blog later this week) but lets just say that I kicked some goop's but. I spent all day Thursday basically blind with goop. Each side of my face took turns swelling up to the point you couldn't tell where my eye started and my cheek began. I could only keep my eyes open for about 10-15 minutes at a time and then I'd have to let them close up and irrigate to get them somewhat open. It was very enlightening to focus on using my other senses. The boys stayed close to me and I could reach out and know where they were. I could feel when Bear was flapping his arms in frustration and I could actually feel when Cooper was smiling. He even took my hand a few times to lead me to something. It was a rough day because I had things coming out of my lungs, sinuses and eyes but I'd asked for it to go fast so I couldn't complain.
By Saturday I just had really red eyes but I was able to make it to the class. It was exhausting so I was in bed before 9 last night! Jim is still feeling twinges but overall we are all FINALLY on the other side of the Goop and tomorrow our life can resume. Yipppeeee!!!!
I've put pictures of the boys and their goop saga. Jim is trying to persuade me to put one of me up. Let me just say this- I am to vain too do so. I will if like 5 or more people post a comment and for some strange reason have to see it. I literally made Jim promise to still love me before he could view the picture :-) It wasn't pretty and you don't want to see it. I'm just so glad it's OVER!
I really don't need to see the picture. My eyes were watering from just looking at Jim's eyes.
Somehow Bruce and I avoided getting pink eye after Em came down with it. She was a real trooper, even with the 1 trip to the ER for her bleeding eye (turned out to be acut on her eyelid). She looked like she had bad allergies, that was it. I actually think that allergies were a part of it. My dad got it and he was a bad patient but after 2-3 days was feeling so much better. It was stressful because Annie's baby is still due anytime, so no one wanted to have pink eye at the time. The dr did say though that as long as you wash your hands and don't touch your eye, you aren't going to pass it.
POST THE PICTURE!!!!!!! C'mon everyone, tell her you want to see it.
I'll tell you all this...I'd never seen anything like what Abbie went through. It's crazy that even today, I still have symptoms, nine days since it started, and Abbie went through her's in a matter of two/three days. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Of course, she was in ALOT more pain than me. Both eyes literally swelled up to the point she couldn't open them. The amount of goop coming out her eyes was foul. And on top of that, she's dealing with the lung infection and sinus infection. There was some crazy stuff coming out of her eyes/nose/lungs.
So, vote for Abbie to post her pic!
Thank you for your support Katie!!
Honeyyyy it's not fair to campaign for votes on the blog! We aren't on Big Brother you know :-)
Abbie, I cannot believe the amount of disease and being unwell you have all been through, and on a some what continuous basis. I just now discivered your other blog and will catch up there. Sending you all lots of healing energy!
WELL IT'S HAWEY AND I definitely think you should post it. I was actually about to IM you and say now how is it fair to Jim and the boys that you have up pics of their eyes and not yours, then I read the end of the blog...funny funny!!
NOW GO post the pic or you can just send it to me in e-mail!! lol
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