Chris's daughter Carly took to taking care of Cooper. If he would cry she would come up to him and pat him and say, "It's ok Cooper." It was so sweet. She also taught Cooper to talk on the phone. She had her own cell phone and picked it up and said, "Oh hey nanna girl what's going on. Oh nothing we are playing with baby Cooper." I seriously thought she was on the phone until I realized it was a play cell phone! But after that Cooper walked around with his cell phone talking into it until I found it in the tub- when it was full.
So then we decided to go swimming. We started off slow getting Cooper used to the water but he was clinging to me tightly. I wasn't sure if he was enjoying himself.
So I thought hey lets put on a life vest and see what happens. He decided to put on Carly's sunglasses. Hey it was bright out there.
This poor child he might be scarred for life when he sees this picture. Anyway he adored floating around the pool in the tube as I kicked him back and forth. We only grudgingly got out when Sully Bear woke up from his nap. Surprisingly Chris and I got some time to catch up while watching three little ones so that was nice. Cooper didn't get his nap - I hadn't thought to bring his pack and play but you'll notice a theme here I thought hey he will sleep on the drive home.
Had some dinner more chit chat it's now time to pack up and go home. Sully Bear hasn't had enough sleep either I didn't bring his swing- lesson learned pack EVERYTHING! But I thought hey this could be good, they will both be exhausted they will sleep sleep sleep.
We get on the road and Sully for the first time discovers the things attached to the bottom of his arms are his hands and he's just fascinated. Cooper and I chit chat for the first twenty minutes and then suddenly he screams out and is OUT. I'm feeling pretty good at this point- Sully is quiet and Coop is out. Suddenly Coop has to be dreaming about his time with Carly. He is reaching out screaming and then muttering down to sleep. Well this keeps happening and disturbs Sully who then starts screaming. Cooper wakes up pissed because he was asleep and then they both start screaming at the top of their lungs. I'm afraid that Sully is now going to heave out a lung so I pull over on the side of the road and try to nurse him. Nope not interested. We get out of the car and I'm running back and forth trying to calm him down then swinging him as he finally starts to calm down. I hear this other noise and look in the car- Cooper is awake and not happy that I'm out there with Sully so he's screaming at the top of his lungs. I open the door and hold his hand while bouncing Sully. They are both quiet and I do take a minute to enjoy the sunset over the farmland and watch a lone horse make his way through the fields. Quite breathtaking actually. Looking at the time I'm ready to get on the road but both the boys are just happy the way they are. I make the call to get back on the road. Silly mamma.
I'd say it was quiet for about two minutes and then boom Sully starts screaming again. This starts off Cooper. My friend Znar calls and I just decide nothing is working I'm going to talk and ignore it. Unfortunately she couldn't ignore it or hear what I was saying so we hung up and I listened to them scream for thirty more minutes and then suddenly there was blissful silence. They had both screamed themselves to sleep.
So that was our trip to Gordonsville. As you all know the trip to Raleigh was pretty much the same. Trading screams and misery. I think I cried the first four hours of the trip with them. At our second stop Jim was taking a zillion turns and passing by perfectly good gas stations. I just remember freaking out- why isn't he stopping?? I need to stop!!! I was trying to call him but then he suddenly found a gas station and when we got there said, "Man I had no idea it was this bad I would have stopped sooner."
But there is a bright side!! I think we've broken Sully Bear of his hatred of the car seat. Probably just because we are getting out more and he's getting used to it but he doesn't cry half as much as he used to. Or maybe I'm just immune now. The last time all four of us were in the car and Sully started to scream I just kept talking and Jim was freaking out! He was trying to soothe him and really worried and I was just sort of chuckling saying, "that's not going to work..,. nope that won't either" I seem to have the ability now to just sort of tune it out.
So now my mom tells me that Snowshoe is about a six hour drive. I'm looking for volunteers now to drive with me!!!
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