August 16th Cooper was up to greet the cable ladies as they installed our cable. Yes I said ladies. I have never had women come to install cable so while I'm totally liberal it did take me a second to adjust to seeing two women at my door saying, "Time Warner." As they were working and we were all talking it was so cute. Cooper just kept talking and talking to them, he was all up in their cables and they ended up reading to him and playing with him. Copper took to Kathy- he just kept pushing her down to sit in her lap. She wouldn't help the other woman out because Cooper was sitting in her lap. So the other woman sat on the floor trying to get Cooper to sit on her lap as they were on hold with corporate. The whole time I was nursing Sully so they installed the cable, babysat and then get this... they cleaned up all of Cooper's toys! Cooper is the man!!
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