Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More Pics of GiGi's First Visit

Every time GiGi would play with Sully-Bear he would start squeeling and laughing and then every single time he would get so excited he would get the hiccups!
With GiGi taking up residence in our living room last week I would get up and get breakfast going and the boys would take turns crawling into the fouton bed with GiGi. The first morning Cooper came walking out of his room and just lit up because GiGi was still there. He just ran to her and all she did was lift up the blanket and he just pushed it aside and jumped in there with her. It really was heartwarming!!
This is Cooper and GiGi doing a little bit of yoga! I need to get a picture of him doing downward dog. This kid for some reason will just stop spread his leg and put his head to the floor. Do they make yoga tapes for kids :-)

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