Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving in Iraq

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Just one of many holidays spent here.

I wish I had pictures, but I didn't even think to bring my camera to the dining facility.

We had a grand spread for Thanksgiving lunch. Turkey, roast beef, ham, yams, stuffing, lots of different veggies, premium bread, and lots of desserts. Me, WO2 Della Rossa, CPT Volpe, and SGT Rzucidlo (Rz for short) always eat lunch together. They're my regular lunch crew up here. As we were enjoying overstuffing ourselves, we were all thankful that we had each other to spend the meal together. We lamented being away from our families, but we were just grateful to have someone to spend the holiday with.

And after that, we stuck to our routine and headed to Green Beans coffee afterwards to enjoy a machiato (free of charge thanks to Green Beans "Cup of joe for a Joe" program where people in the States buy a Soldier a $2 cup of coffee). We each brought some pumpkin or sweet potato pie with us to enjoy with our coffee, and it was just a nice time to relax. We laughed a lot, and thankfully, we got there before the crowd did, so we had a seat.

I miss everyone back home and wish I could be with my family for the holidays, but duty calls. I know that Abbie and the Boys aren't feeling well, but they're in my thoughts, prayers, and my heart all the time. I love you three!

I hope everyone's had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Enjoy Black Friday. And we'll talk soon.

1 comment:

John said...

Happy Thanksgivings my brother! I'm glad you had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Nothing like a good Green Beans Machiatto...and what a price!!

Email me...I may have some job prospects for you.