So we are able to get him down to sleep and his naps without being hijacked any more. So then we realized we had to work on his 5:30 am wake-up. He would wake up and crawl out of the crib and sometimes go to sleep until 6:30 or 7 am. We would get two good mornings and then we have the "I want to nurse battle". He has enough stubbornness from me, Jim and GiGi. He's incredible. Just to give you some perspective on his stubborn streak. It's been almost a year now that I've been complaining about his habit of sticking his hand down my shirt and pinching me HARD. I have yet to ever give in and let him do it. I woke up a few times with him pinching me and stopped him. Yet he still continues to reach down all the time. It amazes me, just amazes me.
So last week as I'm debating what to do (put his crib with Cooper or switch them) Jamie says that until he has his own room he will keep waking up and needing us. (Did I mention she's always right?) So much to Jim's chagrin I pull out the air mattress and make up our bed in the living room. The first night he woke up at 12:48. I had on my eye mask and was completely disoriented. Jim had to remind me where I was and what was happening. He cried for a little while and lo and behold he went back to sleep. Jim left for the weekend and I'm thrilled to say Bear has slept through the night both nights!
They both got me this morning though. I woke up and heard Coop talking and giggling. Then a few minutes later I heard Bear starting to fuss. I peeked out my eye mask and saw it was 6:38. I couldn't believe how tired I was though. I got them and they were thrilled. They both crawled into bed with me and I tried to go back to sleep as they played over me. I looked again and it was not even 6 am yet! I guess it was 5:38 and I was too groggy to realize it. I can assure you that won't happen again.
But out of this whole saga here's what has had us in stitches cracking up. Bear just hates being in the crib. Every night we find him in our bed with his blanket or our blanket over him.
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