I am beginning to think that Cooper was put on this earth just to make me laugh! Last night I told him it was night-night time and went about my way getting his stuff ready for bed. He was running around saying, “night-night” and I started looking for his water and little choo choo train. I looked in all the normal spots and finally just decided he was getting a car instead and filled up a different water bottle. I get into his room and he had already put his choo choo and water bottle into his crib! He was standing in front of the crib waiting on me with a book!!!
So today we packed up to go for the gym and went prepared with DVD’s and bananas. Have I mentioned Cooper has become a banana fiend? We have to hide them because if he sees them he will not stop asking for them! Anyway at home I give him a whole banana and he eats it just fine. Today I gave Diana a banana to give him and again I hear her scream, “Cooper!!!!” I look over and the kid is stuffing the ENTIRE banana in his mouth and smiling at her. He was messing with her! Oh man I am still laughing.
So after the gym I took the boys to the playground and Cooper immediately started running up the stairs and sliding down the slide. Sully was fussy and wanted to eat so I hesitantly went to the side and let Cooper keep up the routine. He got to the top looked at me with this sh*t eating grin and suddenly threw his choo choo train down the slide and started laughing (I almost had a heart attack!) then he went sliding after it over and over again! I couldn’t stop laughing- which is probably why he kept doing it.
So now as I am typing he’s jumping on the couch behind me wrapping his arms around my neck and going to one side or the other yelling, “booooo!” and then jumping off the couch landing on all fours and laughing with Sully then getting up again and doing it all over again.
I don’t know what I would do without the pure, innocent laughter and just utter joy Coop brings.
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