When I picked the boys up from pre-school Cooper was very anxious to show me the drawing he did with Mrs. Jodi. He was VERY persistent that we go to the back of the school to get the drawing even though all of the lights were off. We got the picture and he was so excited to tell me all about how Mrs. Jodi helped him with the anchor. We got in the car and he then proceeded to go on and on about the color of the fish and the triangle tail and of course how Mrs. Jodi helped him with the anchor that has sprinkles (glitter) on it. We stopped off at our UPS store to send some packages to Jim and on the way out Coop told him all about the drawing in the car that Mrs. Jodi helped him with. Then we went to Whole Foods (aka The Castle) for a few things. Coop asked if he could bring in the drawing. I envisioned him showing it to the cashier on the way out and smiled at the thought.
So into Whole Foods we go and the first person Coop sees he runs up to and yells, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Look at my picture it has an anchor, two fish, and water. Oh and Mrs. Jodi helped me!" She was very polite and ohh and ahhhed over it. So then I explained to Coop that it wasn't polite to yell, "Hey!" at someone instead he should say, "Excuse me," and wait to see if they would talk to him. And then he was off. Coop stopped every single person we saw and had the following conversation:
Coop: "Excuse me!"
No words were necessary from the other person just eye contact
Coop: "Look at my picture! It has an anchor, two fish and water! Oh and Mrs. Jodi helped me!"
Person: "Ooooooohhhh, Ahhhhhhhh."
Coop: "Thank you."
Coop to me: "Look Momma I said excuse me and thank you!"
Off to the next person........
He had the entire store in stitches. All of the cashiers sought him out to each have a turn. He was glowing and so excited. He showed everyone in the bathroom and then even showed people twice that he had forgotten he'd already showed. A trip for 3 little things turned into a full 30 minute event! It was classic and so adorable. One of the women said, "He should be on TV!"
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