We’ve just come out of an Internet blackout due to the death of some soldiers in one of our sister battalions. They were hit with an IED en route to a cache site. The pictures of the site were absolutely devastating to see, but we all have the comfort of knowing that those in the vehicle died instantly. I didn’t know any of them, but I feel their loss. It goes through everything we do, especially going outside the wire. It reiterates the danger in this country to us. Their souls are in a better place, and that is a solace. Keep all of us in your prayers for a safe deployment and a safe return to home.
So today was our normal, regularly scheduled meeting with the District (Nahia) council except for one thing....today was the first day of the implementation of the Security Agreement. The agreement moves all combat troops out of the cities as well as requires that all combat patrols must be done with the Iraqi Army. My team is exempt though since we’re a civil military operations team and are conducting patrols to look at projects.
The meeting was interesting in that they dissolved a local council underneath them. Just like that. With the swipe of a pen. It’s a complete power play of which we’re not used to in the U.S. The local councils are voluntary councils that the local shaykhs form to help their people as well as maintain their power in the communities. These two levels of government are both very power oriented with the people’s needs second. It’s a shame. They have the ability to really make a difference, but instead, they do things just for their own power. Makes working here quite frustrating b/c we’re doing what we can to help the people. The dissolving of the local council, which will be soon followed by other dissolutions, puts the control of the local councils under people that are “friends”. Almost kitchen cabinet-like, if you ask me.
This is, of course, just my opinion.
1 comment:
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the four soldiers. We appreciate your keeping us informed. You are our link to our son.
Mom of 2nd LT M
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