Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My First Day Of P90X

Okay, so, Chief Chicken decided to purchase P90X before coming out to Iraq. As he tells it, he and his wife were drinking one night, and he got a bit schnockered, and they were watching infomercials on TV when P90X came on. He was like, "I should get that" and she was like, "Yeah, you should" and he was like, "What? You think I need to get in shape?" and she said, "yeah, you've kinda gained some weight". So Chicken's ego got him fired up, and in his inebriated state, he bought P90X on a expensive whim.

So some of us agreed to do P90X here with him. I missed yesterday, the first day, because I was outside the wire and when I got back, I took a short nap (which I usually do after coming back in from out there). Today, instead of taking a nap, I purposely went up to the office to find Chicken and CPT Malkovich (he's our Assistant Ops Officer or Asst S3 and is named because he's 40-something years old and looks just like John Malkovich). Thankfully, I didn't miss the workout today.

The workout kicked my rear end today. I'll say this, and keep it short...I highly recommend P90X. Spend the money, and get started on it...I'm soooo sore already. It made me really realize how out of shape I am.

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