As we continue this potty training saga our life continues to get more and more interesting. There are now adventurous stops on the side of the road to pull out the potty. It's really fun when you try to get him to use a real toilet at a store and he literally about climbs the wall (backwards) in fear trying to get away from it. It's even more interesting to carry the potty to the gym where all the mom's laugh knowingly with me.
Yesterday Coop was playing outside on the patio and I hear him yell, " Help me momma, gotta stinky momma, help me momma, help me momma, help me momma!!!" The word help as he says it is missing the 'L' so I just hear in his little twang "Hep me." I come running to meet him at the potty and he is doing a dance stomping his feet around. We get off his shorts and underwear and we have our very first success with taking the underwear off to go stinky!! We do a dance and he gets a treat all is well in our little world.
Until of course he's realized if he yells, "Hep me Momma, gotta go potty!" I come running. After the 4th or 5th time of this I realized I'm getting played here. He's doing the gotta go now dance but as soon as I arrive he's smirking at me and he is just fine and can hold it. Little stinker. What made me write about this was this morning. He's usually up a bit earlier than me and I leave him in the room for a few minutes as I get my morning started. I heard him call out for me to come give him a blanket and that didn't work so he yelled, "Hep me Momma, gotta go potty!!" So I know he has the overnight diaper on and it would be fine but I like that he doesn't want to use it when he's awake. So go get him and I just have this pit in my stomach that now he knows what to say to get me to come get him whenever he wants! I'm a goner. For 3.5 years old they really know how to work you over. If he's this good at 3.5 imagine when he's 5??
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