We have a geese infestation in our apartment complex. It's a tad annoying to have geese everywhere you turn but it is cute to see all the little baby geese waddling along. I normally don't let the boys chase the geese but today was special. (I was bored.) We were at the end of our complex playing with some sticks when Coop spotted three geese at the very other end. It's a bit of a hike. He starts yelling "Duckies mommy duckies!!" I actually wanted to see if he would run the whole way so I said, "Go get them Cooper!" This kid took off screaming, "Duckieeeeeeeeeees!" Halfway he stopped abruptly and turned around to make sure I was really letting him chase the geese. I told him to go ahead and he took off again. The two smart ones scattered but the third must have thought Coop had some food and waited anxiously for this toddler to come to him. By the time he figured out Coop didn't have any food it was too late. Coop reached out and almost made contact before the goose started running for it's life. The goose started running towards me with Coop close behind yelling, "Wait duckie!" The other two geese started running behind Coop and I thought oh no what have I gotten my son into? Suddenly the goose took flight and almost clipped me with his wing. Bear and I fell back in the grass laughing as the other two followed suit and flew over us as well. Coop jumped on top of us and I thought you know I might actually like having these geese around here!
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