Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Do You Believe Everything Happens For a Reason?

I know I do. Sometimes I have to struggle to see the reason but yesterday was a most fascinating day. I had one of those moments where I saw how all these decisions we’ve made over the last 18 months have led us to this point. It started when we knew that I wasn’t going to be going back to work. My boss had told me she was leaving and I knew when I hung up the phone there was no way I could go back. (Interesting side note- she ended up staying but has just recently put in her resignation.) I knew life would change but I resisted it changing too much. Jim had wanted to go back in the Army but I could not wrap my head around moving around and him being deployed. We got two offers on our townhouse both of which we refused because it was so far under our asking price. (Our asking price is now below what both of those offers were for!) We started a house search in Willow Springs, NC but got sidelined when our tenants pulled out the lease and found some clause where we couldn’t put it up for sale until August- what Realtors call the dead season. It stopped our whole process dead in the water. I was devastated, I’d narrowed down the search to these 5 adorable houses.

Then I get a random e-mail from a woman I barely know talking about moving near family so that her children will have roots growing up. It was so moving it touched me in a way I didn’t expect. We decided to move to Charlotte, NC. It felt right that our process here had been stopped. Unfortunately Jim did not get the job in Charlotte. So we sat back and said- crap what now? So we pulled out that darned butcher paper and brainstormed again. Somehow Jim going back in the active military was our best option. Huh? Roots and all that fear seemed to go out the window. But it met every other criterion we had. As Jim started getting his paperwork together he ran into a major snag that stopped his process all together. We started wondering if the Universe was saying- nope this isn’t what I really want you to do. I started looking for waitressing jobs even.

Until Saturday- Jim got in the mail the first piece of paperwork he needed to move to the next step. We were ecstatic. Finally a sign that this was the right thing and it would be happening. Then yesterday Jim called me and told me that they’ve just told him if he wants the job in Charlotte it’s his- again I say huh? Now we see that as our back-up to the back-up plan. I can’t keep up with what the Universe wants us to do but I can see in some mangled way that every little step we’ve taken has all happened for a reason and without each step we might not have gotten here.

I know moving to Raleigh was destined to be short term. Moving here proved that as a family we can go anywhere as long as we are together. Our favorite saying as we go into a new towns is, “Anywhere USA.” I met my mentor and teacher and found my calling. Everything I learned has drastically turned Cooper’s health around to all those issues almost being a distant memory. I know in my heart that Cooper having the health issues he had saved our lives. He is our little angel. I have faith that we’ll do what is perfect and in accordance the Universe’s plan but all these twists and turns sure do keep us on our toes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am confused! So what are you going to do? This is like a soap opera cliffhanger on a Friday.