Our dear family friend Al Santiago had just had his surgery for prostate cancer and took me up on an offer to cook him some food. So I packed up the boys and off to Grandma and Grandpa's we went! We had some nice weather and played out on the patio with Grandma and Grandpa.

Coop thought it was the funniest thing to try on Grandma's glasses. Good thing Grandpa was there to hold him up :-) On Saturday the day of furious cooking and running around began. I got a late start to Whole Foods and had to frantically call Katie to come over later. Katie, Bruce, and Emily came over to keep Coop and Bear occupied while I cooked. Of course I forgot chicken for the um
chicken soup and spices so Bruce made two trips to the grocery store for me. I'm so thankful for Grandma Kathy's kitchen because it had everything I could need but I still had to figure out the oven and temperatures and it just all took so much longer than I could have imagined. Next thing I know Al is calling because he's going to be heading out soon and I need to get over there soon. Food is still cooking and Coop is now napping and my helpers have left. What to do? I pack everyone up sleeping and head over to Al's! About halfway there Bear will just not stop screaming so I pull over and he has exploded in his diaper. It's all over his outfit and I have no change of clothes and only one yes one baby wipe!! So we showed up at Al's with Bear in his diaper and Cooper still grumpy from being woken up by all of Bear's screaming. They take over his townhouse and make Al climb up and down his stairs (he's not supposed to be doing that!) so they can explore. Amazing how you take baby proofing for granted. I felt horrible because I really wanted to be there helping him and instead I felt like the food was probably going to taste horrible and the boys just weren't cooperating with our visit so we packed it up again. As we were packing up the most amazing thing happened. A butterfly just softly floated around Al then around me and then around a wind chime that my mom had given Al. I literally drove away in tears because as hard as the trip had been I knew mom had been there helping.

Sunday we packed up again and headed for a trip to visit with Chris. She had just had a surgery for cervical cancer and we wanted to check in on her and her family. The boys were great and I got to spend a little time with my friend. Just what the doctor ordered (for me at least). Then we headed home and believe it or not I think the boys have gotten used to traveling they do it so well now.
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