Sully is now 5 1/2 months. Two days before he turned 4 months he started to roll back and forth. You can not turn your back on him or he's rolling! Pretty much every direction he just rolls himself over to where he wants to go. Today I watched him do superman's. You know where he is pushing himself up and his toes are up in the air. He was rocking and getting so frustrated because he wanted to be where we were.
His hand eye coordination is remarkable. Especially if he sees your fingers and he's in the mood to chomp on them. I'll sit him up and put a few toys in front of him and he will systematically grab one, chomp on it, then literally throw it to the side.

He has found his voice. In the afternoon he really likes to make high pitch noises just to hear himself. It's actually really cute, I go out of eye sight and he starts squeeling. He'll be in his exersaucer and push up on his tip toes leaning to the side to see me. I come back and his squeel turns into a delightful laugh.
His favorite toy now are his own toes! He sits up and leans over and just chomps away. At the conference last week the child care providers just laughed and laughed they said his toes kept him occupied for most of the day.

But nothing is as funny as him using his muscles to stop the swing. I was changing Cooper's diaper and I heard the hum of the swing just stop. Knowing we had just replaced the batteries I thought something was wrong. I looked over and there was Sully as happy as a clam just holding the swing still in mid swing. He then just let go and once he got his momentum going would reach up and grab hold again. As soon as he has my attention he shoots a look like, what, what I'd do?

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