...It is unbelievable that Sullivan is now over a month old and Cooper is now 18 months old! June has been the most amazing yet one of the most challenging months. It feels as if a lifetime has passed.

Most of Sully’s time has been spent doing what babies do- sleeping. I keep telling everyone what an easy baby Sullivan is but the midwives told me that I’m just a different mom. It’s so true. We don’t freak out over every little noise he makes. I don't make everyone whisper if he's sleeping and I'll actually put him down if he's sleeping. He can sleep through Cooper screaming and that is saying something. He makes adorable baby kisses and has this deep gaze. Several people have told us that he just looks at you and you can tell he has an old soul. When he graces you with a little smile it’s so precious. He’s holding his neck up pretty steadily now. He doesn’t feel like the completely little helpless baby anymore.

Did I mention that Cooper is 18 months old now and he’s throwing these wonderful temper tantrums? It’s not been easy, I mean I feel like we finally figured out how to handle the infant phase. I kinda thought we had this parenting thing down. I started to lose it last week, it just seemed like Cooper was figuring out how to throw these tantrums and he was getting what he wanted from us. I can’t tell you how awful it is to feel like we could now be a candidate for Supernanny! I called my dear friend Jamie and sobbing begged for advice. (She’s our child development specialist!) Thankfully Jamie talked me down from the ledge and reminded us that it’s Cooper’s job to test us right now. Very good to remember as he’s kicking us and throwing his head back without a care that we have hardwood floors with a nice resounding thunk! Just yesterday he decided to throw his food on the floor and when I told him that we didn’t throw our food on the floor please pick it up and put it back on the plate- he started to scream as if this was the most horrible thing in the world and thunked his head in the food and start throwing it at me! Needless to say I bought the Supernanny and Dr. Sears Discipline book. Should be a fun phase!

It’s not all been temper tantrums. Cooper has almost totally adjusted to Sullivan now. By adjusted I mean he no longer starts crying at the sight of Sully and will in fact sit next to Sully and pet his feet or head quite lovingly. As Jim has posted he will say “Baby” and point to Sully. We are careful not to say to him that he is now a big boy and take the fact that he is still very much a baby away. If I’m nursing Sully then Cooper will either sit next to me or pull my legs down and flop down on them and go for a ride. Great workout for my legs!

We’ve now taken to a morning walk. GiGi and Poppy gave us this awesome Chariot that allows the boys to ride side by side. The first couple of trips they both fussed a lot but now they even seem to look forward to it and Cooper yells “yaaaaaaaa” whenever we run across the street. This week the big ordeal has been Sullivan’s wayward arm. It flops over and whacks Cooper upside the head at every little bump. Cooper gets mad and screams which causes Sully’s to startle and whack Cooper again! So when the screaming didn’t work Cooper tried kicking the bottom of the sling causing Sullivan to get yet another whack! So now he just takes his forehead and pushes Sully’s arm away from him. Is it mean to laugh as it’s happening?

The wonderful rebounder!! Sullivan and Cooper couldn’t be more different. Cooper took the pacifier right away- Sully spit it out and looked at me almost as if I was insulting him. Cooper loved to be swaddled; Sully will fight until he can get his arms out to have his little fists on his chin. Stick Cooper in the sling and he was happy as a bug in a rug. Sully will scream during his fussy time (typically when Cooper is getting his bath) unless he’s really tired. You could put Cooper in the swing and within minutes he was knocked out for hours! Put Sully in the swing and you may get 30 minutes tops before he wants out of there. But the best thing ever is this little rebounder. We are so tight on space as it is, but I wanted one to start working out. I promised to keep it tucked away, but it has become the staple of our living room! I get my workouts, Cooper will use it to put all his toys on or play on, but best of all when the swaddling or nursing don’t calm Sullivan down we jump on the rebounder and within a few minutes he is gone! The best is when you are bouncing Sully and Cooper climbs on and sits between your legs as you bounce.

One of our favorite things to eat is homemade sauerkraut. This time Cooper decided to help out with the mashing part.
Favorite toy of the month a $1.50 ball from CVS. Cooper will chase this ball all over the house. Even funnier he loves for you to bounce it so it will bounce off his belly or his forehead! Cackles galore with that fun game.
1 comment:
Very cute pictures :)
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