The life and times of Jim, Abbie, Cooper and Sullivan (Bear) Monihan.
Back to our routine today. Went to the gym and I decided hey, we can do a Wal-Mart run! I have some prunes in the diaper bag we are good to go. They were actually gems minus the throwing of all the little spray bottles out of the cart. The funny part was the cashier didn’t want Bear to fuss so she just didn’t charge me for one of the bottles and he kept playing with it. Who am I to complain?
Get a call from Jim that he’s found a GPS that’s on sale at Circuit City that I need for my trip on Saturday. Hmmmmm. We are getting close to lunch and nap time and I only have 4 prunes left? A smart mom would have gone home but me well I decide to chance it. (It’s only a few blocks away!) They direct me to the GPS I find the one I need and then I begin to wait and wait and wait. The dude is helping another customer and I can’t find another clerk to save my life. The boys are getting restless and finding ways to get into things. They find the speaker room and have a little dance party which was quite cute. Coop wouldn’t go in there but as soon as Bear did he looked at me with this look like well if he’s doing it I’m doing it!
The clerk is finally going to ring me up. I have saved 2 prunes for the occasion but they are now chasing and tackling each other so I leave well enough alone. Just as he tells me the cost I hear Bear’s blood curdling scream. I run over and find Cooper on top of him and Bear with a huge fat bottom lip and blood flowing everywhere. For some reason the only words that come to me is to yell, “Great Caesar’s Ghost!” I pick him up and ask the clerk to go get us some tissue. I start dumping my water on his lip and there is just blood everywhere. I try to use his shirt to put some pressure but he’s just screaming uncontrollably and trying to suck on his lip. Cooper at this point sulks over to the stereo room and puts his forehead against the glass watching us. The clerk finally returns with the tissue and I multi-tasked. I gave him my card and sat on the floor rocking Bear and applying pressure and signing for everything at the same time. (He just brought the little machine to me!) There seems to be a theme here of clerks going above and beyond when Bear starts fussing. Hmmmmmm.
The crying finally subsided as we left but Cooper wouldn’t hold my hand or catch up to us he would only walk 10 paces behind me with his head down. Until we got outside then all of a sudden Bear wants down and to hold my hand and Coop will now hold my hand and we get in the car as if nothing happened. I drove around for a few extra minutes and Bear was out cold.
Note to self: Carry a small first aid kit at all times.
It was rainy, foggy, and windy on Monday. So instead of skiing we traipsed around the mountain exploring all the new stuff there was to offer. We decided we really needed a mini-van after I had to sit in the very back of the Subaru hoping Jim didn’t get in an accident so we could all ride together. (Kind of hard to get a tour if our tour guide is in the car ahead of us.) What was cute for me is I would poke my head over the back seat and the boys kept saying, “Hi!” to me and if I put my hand over the seat they would both reach over and just hold my hand.
Coop was good in the wind but Bear was not a fan until we showed them the slopes and he was literally off and running across the slope thwarting many a skier. Home for naps- and I mean all 5 of us napped! Then Poppi had lined up a babysitter for us- Jenna. She was AMAZING. She had every confidence that she could handle everything and put us at ease. When she said, "Oh don't worry I can handle it if they fuss when you leave." I was like cool she has it under control. Poppi took us out to a new restaurant Ember that was AMAZING. They are booked well in advance but we got lucky with their last table. Poppi said to get whatever we wanted and Jim took him seriously. I think he ordered 3 appetizers and 2 entrees plus some wine. (Sorry hon but you did eat a lot!) It was the most relaxing evening- we spread it out over 3 hours and just enjoyed every bit of it. I ran into some old friends from when I used to work on the mountain which was nice. Since becoming a mom going out to the night club just doesn’t happen anymore. When we returned Jenna raved about how AMAZING the boys were. She mentioned they were the best kids she'd ever watched so our chests did puff out a little bit. To top it off they just went right to sleep.
The next morning was my mom’s birthday. We woke up with the sun thanks to the boys and got ready for the day. While Poppi went out to get Jenna we tried to get the boys in their snow suits to have a little morning outing. Cooper’s suit just didn’t fit him right or he just decided he didn’t want it on and he screamed the entire time. I think it was a little tight but he was so dramatic. He fell and then we were done. I think it took us all of 5 minutes but it was the longest 5 minutes of my life. Jenna showed up and we took off for a day of skiing. Whereas the day before had been rainy, foggy and windy Tuesday was AMAZING. Lightly snowing, fresh snow and no crowds. Last year on Mom’s birthday her and Chris skied the whole mountain so we did a few practice runs and then did the same trek they did. It had been about 4 years since we skied and we just picked it right back up and had the most AMAZING time.
We had to get back by 2 and we found all three of the kids dead asleep on the couches. It was truly one of the cutest sights. When I woke Jenna up I scared her half to death but she raved at how AMAZING the boys were again and promised to babysit any time we needed her when we were there. What can I say we have two little charmers.
As soon as the boys woke up we got dressed again and took a walk down to mom’s favorite walking path. The boys had a blast walking in the snow. They would hit trees and delight in the snow falling down. Cooper loved us hitting each other with snowballs. We finally got to a beautiful spot on the path and Chris and I spread some of mom and Wolfie’s ashes. I felt like I’d been with her all day and could feel her smiling. The boys had kept on going but suddenly returned and they were done walking so Jim and I put them on our shoulders and headed back.
We got dinner together for the boys and then Jim and I headed out for some night skiing. We had a great time on one of the easy slopes that nobody was on so it felt like we had the slopes to ourselves. Then for some reason two young kids weren’t paying attention (and neither were the lift operators) and got in between us and the lift chair. Unfortunately Jim and I didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late and mass confusion ensued. It ended with Jim’s butt up in the air blocking the chair from progressing and me yelling, “What the hell!” about 20 times. I was so scared Jim was ripping his knee apart and everyone just seemed to have a thumb up their butts. Finally Jim just fell over and onto his back. I could see him trying but he couldn’t get up. Just picture two poles and two skies flailing about in the air and lots of grunting. One of the lift operators finally helped Jim up and we got back on the lift. The other operator came out and thought it appropriate to make fun of us. I’ll admit I’m still laughing about it but we’re lucky Jim wasn’t hurt. That would have been a whole different story.
We got back to the condo and as you might have guessed Poppi reported that the boys were AMAZING. I pulled both the boys onto the couch bed and they both fell asleep in my arms. (Bear was a bit frustrated when I wouldn't nurse him and tried to give my arms several hickeys) but they both wrapped themselves up in my arms and went to sleep. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.
This morning we woke up to more snow! Jim couldn’t take off more work so instead of leaving after lunch we sped up and were heading off the mountain by 10 am. I have to say my hubby did an AMAZING job driving in those conditions. It took us a really long time to make it but we made it. (We only saw 1 car flipped on the side of the road.) The boys were truly wonderful. (Yes even AMAZING.)
Next stop- Whole Foods. I figured since Jim had surprised me with the flowers I would surprise him with a nice home cooked meal that was a little special. Did I mention I went during the lunch crush? I cut someone off for a parking spot and cringed but I thought hey I got two kids back off. (Hey it makes me feel better.) It was crazy in there. Isles and isles of flowers and people packed in there. We grabbed a few things and I begged Coop to sit in the shopping cart so I wouldn’t lose him. He didn’t even fuss just got in and I took the easy way out and grabbed some sushi. Not my original plan but it was crazy and the boys were hungry. I had big plans to feed them and then they would nap on the way home. We went outside and sat in the sun. Coop refused to wear his jacket and had a t-shirt on. I chose to leave that battle alone. They chowed down and they even let me change diapers with no fuss. At this point I’m feeling like my kids are the bomb. They have been so good. They are showing no signs of tiredness so we stop off at Wal-mart for some diapers and shampoo and maybe a card. Coop wants me to chase him so he goes off at break neck speed yelling, “I’m gonna get you!” So I start saying “No I’m going to get to get you!” and when I catch him he falls to the ground and I tickle him and he squeals. Well the third time I did it, he literally tried to cuddle up on the floor and said, “Mommy I’m sleepy.” We made a drive by of the card section but I kid you not it was so packed there was a line to just get into the section. I told the boys- looks like no card for daddy! Believe it or not I was even contemplating trying to squeeze in a haircut for they boys until Bear started screaming and then fell asleep 1 minute from home and I thought- I have it made. Easy transfer. Hahaha ha.
Well we may have enjoyed our dinner night but we didn’t make it out as unscathed as we had thought. Yesterday both Cooper and Bear woke up with these ballooned bellies. Cooper’s had been actually going down significantly and was almost normal but he grew to about 4x the size it had been before. I couldn’t fit the diapers around Coop’s belly it was so big. Bear’s was just 1-2x bigger but his big reaction was to get a horrible yeast infection in his diaper region. The yeast just had a field day with the sweet ginger sauce. By the end of the day Cooper was immobilized by a horrible wheeze and cough and he broke out all over his face. This poor little guy has been set back from the progress we made. I hate that he has to go through this torture to get rid of this yeast/candida issue. The good news is I know what to do! Wish I would have known 3 years ago.
I know I do. Sometimes I have to struggle to see the reason but yesterday was a most fascinating day. I had one of those moments where I saw how all these decisions we’ve made over the last 18 months have led us to this point. It started when we knew that I wasn’t going to be going back to work. My boss had told me she was leaving and I knew when I hung up the phone there was no way I could go back. (Interesting side note- she ended up staying but has just recently put in her resignation.) I knew life would change but I resisted it changing too much. Jim had wanted to go back in the Army but I could not wrap my head around moving around and him being deployed. We got two offers on our townhouse both of which we refused because it was so far under our asking price. (Our asking price is now below what both of those offers were for!) We started a house search in Willow Springs, NC but got sidelined when our tenants pulled out the lease and found some clause where we couldn’t put it up for sale until August- what Realtors call the dead season. It stopped our whole process dead in the water. I was devastated, I’d narrowed down the search to these 5 adorable houses.
Until Saturday- Jim got in the mail the first piece of paperwork he needed to move to the next step. We were ecstatic. Finally a sign that this was the right thing and it would be happening. Then yesterday Jim called me and told me that they’ve just told him if he wants the job in Charlotte it’s his- again I say huh? Now we see that as our back-up to the back-up plan. I can’t keep up with what the Universe wants us to do but I can see in some mangled way that every little step we’ve taken has all happened for a reason and without each step we might not have gotten here.