Soooo, we have a comfort corner (same thing as a naughty corner or naughty mat for you Super Nanny fans) that we use for Cooper when he's in trouble or needs a time out. We always give him a warning and then when he does it again (because he ALWAYS does), he goes and sits on the pillow in his corner.
Back in NoVA, his comfort corner was next to the basement door on the main level. Here in Raleigh, his corner is between the couch and the balcony sliding glass door.
Until yesterday, his M.O. was to cry cry cry when he got put into the comfort corner. Yesterday, he exhibited something new...Manipulation Through Charm (MTC).
I put him in his comfort corner because he kept spitting water all over the carpet (we now have wet spots all over the apartment thanks to him). Abbie warned him once, and then I put him in his corner. He cried for all of about five seconds, and watched to see what I was going to do. I told him "two minutes in your corner" and explained why he was there. I walked away.
Abbie was sitting on the opposite side of the room on the futon mattress we use as Cooper's couch. He tested us with standing up and with getting off his pillow, each time causing me to come over and reset his butt on it. Then he did it...MTC.
He leaned slightly out beyond the edge of the couch so that he and Abbie could make eye to eye contact...and he gives her a sly smile like, "Hi Momma, I love you!" "Hi Momma, why don't you let me out of this corner?" "Hi Momma, don't you love my cute smile?"
It almost worked, but Abbie hung strong. Cooper got his two (turned into five) minutes in his corner, then came out with a simple reiteration of why he was there and how to avoid going back to it.
MTC. New parents, remember it. Especially you new dads that have daughters....ahem, John. I don't think your watch will save you when she gets MTC down.